ANNY Committees
ANNY has established several standing committees, and would love to have non-Board Members get involved! Check out the committee descriptions below, then scroll down to the Volunteer Form link if you wish to submit your interest.
The ANNY Events Committee is responsible for planning and executing all events held by ANNY. The full committee is likely to create work groups that tackle specific events or tasks. This committee is chaired by the Events Chair, a Board member elected specifically into this role.
Membership Engagement Committee
The ANNY Membership Engagement Committee is responsible for determining and addressing the needs of members and potential members, and designing and distributing communications and benefits. The committee will monitor satisfaction of members and will report regularly on membership information.
The ANNY Nominating Committee is responsible for conducting the election of board members in accordance with the election procedures set forth in the bylaws to ensure a fair and impartial election.